Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Biotechnologii i Genetyki POLBIOGEN
ul. Jugosłowiańska 57, 60-159 Poznań

Fundacja na Rzecz Rozwoju Biotechnologii i Genetyki
POLBIOGEN jest niezależną, samodzielną finansowo
instytucją powołaną do pełnienia misji wspierania
biotechnologii i genetyki oraz realizowania projektów
badawczych w tych dziedzinach.

About us

Warsaw, 27. 06. 2006



Professor dr habil. of  Medical Sciences
Ryszard Słomski
Deputy Director For Scientific Affairs
Institute of Human Genetics
Polish Academy of Sciences

Acknowledging the role of the foundations established to support activities of other subjects and acting as the Minister of Health in the Government of the Polish Republic who executes the statutory supervision over the Foundation for the Development of Biotechnology and Genetics ”POLBIOGEN” with its headquarters in Poznań, I hereby express the opinion that the above-mentioned Foundation fulfils conditions to become effectively engaged in the development of biotechnology and genetics.

The above Foundation is an autonomous, financially independent institution established to carry out the mission of supporting biotechnology and genetics and to realise research projects in these fields of science. The addressees of the activities of the Foundation include scientific and research and development units as well as small- and medium-size enterprises involved within the framework of their activities in research and implementation work.

The statutory objectives of the Foundation include the support of scientific research of biotechnologies utilised in all fields of life, including carrying out research in areas of biotechnologies utilised, among others, in health protection.

The Foundations realises its objectives by organising and coordinating pilot research projects as well as research work associated with biotechnology and molecular diagnostics. In addition, the Foundation also carries out implementation, educational, training, information and publication activities which exert a significant impact on the development of disciplines mentioned earlier.

In my opinion, the above-mentioned arguments as well as the fact that the realisation of the Foundation programs is supervised by persons with long-term scientific experience guarantee that the Foundation for the Development of Biotechnology and Genetics ”POLBIOGEN” can be a reliable partner who will participate effectively in the realisation of the state-of-the-art projects in the areas of biotechnology and genetics.

prof. Zbigniew Religa
Minister of Health